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Replica of 

Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, Winterthur, DE, USA

Queen Mary's


Beyond making exhibition mounts for accessories for Winterthur's  Costuming The Crown exhibition (March 2019 - January 2020), I was also able to put my jewelry-making skills to use, constructing a replica of the necklace worn by Queen Mary (Eileen Atkins) on the Netflix show. 

Though all of the costumes, hats, gloves, bags, and crowns came from the series, pearl necklaces and other key items were not sent to Winterthur for display. These items were constructed by a team of conservators and students from glass pearls and rhinestones.

Constructing the Replica

Reconstructing the necklace proved challenging. Only a few shots showed the dowager queen wearing the necklace. Additionally, due to time and budgetary constraints, materials were sourced from craft stores.

The top choker consists of two strands of pearls with rhinestones spacers and two strands made from flexible rhinestone chain--that did not want to stay in place! Consequently the choker was held in place with strands of very thin wire. The whole piece is backed with dyed netting to protect the lace collar of the dress. 

The lower two necklaces were created by cutting apart necklaces purchased from Amazon and adding large jump ring spacers.

Though not an exact replica, the necklace replicates the grand look of the original piece.

Image Courtesy of Netflix

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